Paradigm Shift

Here is a list of basic challenges for people in times of upheaval.  
These have been identified by the military, survivalists and Boy Scouts:
Fear and anxiety
Pain and injury

In extreme conditions, a person can survive, on average, for:
Minutes without air
Hours without shelter
3 Days without water
Weeks without food
Months without companionship

These are all bleak scenarios:
The End of Life As We Know It
 But faith says, "This is not the end of the story."

 (This is when I stop to sing and dance to one of my favorite songs:)

The Lord Jesus taught His disciples to pray,  
“Let Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, 
on earth as it is in heaven”.  
(from Matt. 6:10)
But according to His promise we are looking for new heavens and a new earth, 
in which righteousness dwells. 
(2 Pet. 3:13 NASB)

Those of us who are followers of Christ Jesus
have been given a new paradigm:
an extraordinary hope and a wonderful vision 
of coming transformation of life on earth. 

The following is a direct quote that spoke volumes when a friend shared it.
(emphasis mine):

"In life, we are simply and always are given the opportunity to choose Christ. Not just for salvation from sin but for everything we encounter from sunrise to sunset. Nothing we know or want is to escape this one act of choosing Christ. Not Christ for us or through us but Christ Himself. Everything we ever need is wrapped up in this one Person.

"Yes '. . . faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God' (Romans 10:17). Faith is always in the Other in the here and now. Faith is our YES to His promise. Is there financial need? Then He is what we embrace. Is it healing we need, and then He is The Health, OUR health. We do not, cannot seek health without losing sight of Him. Seek Him and you have health. Knowing you need a healing should remind you of Christ and nothing more.

"Mary, the mother of Jesus, was given a promise. She did nothing but say yes. By this she became the receptor and expresser of the promise.

"The written word and the promises are for us but not expressed all the time. Why? Because we can only have Christ’s immediate expression of Father’s will. If we want health over God’s want for us in the moment then we have missed the Yes to Christ. All we ever need to do after we come to know and want a thing is to turn once again, in that child like faith we had the first time we turned to Him, and there remember the YES that still rings in our soul."

 Come quickly, Lord Jesus!