If someone has not yet heard the gospel ("good news") of Jesus Christ,
giving them an Abraham Backpack starter kit is a good way to introduce
them to His story. Each starter item is tied to a main part of the story
of Jesus' life on earth.
- 3 Wise Men follow the Star of Bethlehem (orientation)
- Jesus is born and laid in a manger (protection)
- Jesus teaches at the temple at age 12 (illumination)
- Jesus heals the sick, wounded and demented (medication)
- Jesus teaches the Lord's Prayer (communication)
- Jesus talks with the woman at the well (hydration)
- Jesus feeds the 5,000 with a little boy's lunch (nutrition)
- Jesus rules the elements of nature (navigation)
- Jesus is killed, buried, and rises again (sanitation)
- Jesus ascends to heaven, leaving instructions (transportation)
Jesus came to make a way for us -- through his blood sacrifice -- to pull us from merely surviving into glorious thriving, and to grow His supernatural Kingdom here in our own earth. He came to show that there is MORE than this present realm: there is truly a realm of unimaginable purity in which no evil or wickedness dwells.
Jesus the Messiah said it,
*ABE* key stories about Jesus the Christ:
- 3 Wise Men follow the Star of Bethlehem (orientation)
- Jesus is born and laid in a manger (protection)
- Jesus teaches at the temple at age 12 (illumination)
- Jesus heals the sick, wounded and demented (medication)
- Jesus teaches the Lord's Prayer (communication)
- Jesus talks with the woman at the well (hydration)
- Jesus feeds the 5,000 with a little boy's lunch (nutrition)
- Jesus rules the elements of nature (navigation)
- Jesus is killed, buried, and rises again (sanitation)
- Jesus ascends to heaven, leaving instructions (transportation)
Jesus came to make a way for us -- through his blood sacrifice -- to pull us from merely surviving into glorious thriving, and to grow His supernatural Kingdom here in our own earth. He came to show that there is MORE than this present realm: there is truly a realm of unimaginable purity in which no evil or wickedness dwells.
Jesus the Messiah said it,
“I have come that they may have life
and have it abundantly.”
and have it abundantly.”
--John 10:10 ESV