What is the Abraham Backpack?

The Abraham Backpack is something to carry or wear that:

Evokes a sense of "home" even in a temporary shelter
Is as comforting to a child as it is to an adult
Is simpleuseful and understandable to anyone anywhere
Can be homemade in any culture with local, culturally appropriate materials

The Abraham Backpack is a comfort kit that brings tangible evidence of the good news of Creator God's love for each and every person. It is a simple "starter kit": a multi-cultural, inter-generational, creative way to approach current and future scenarios.

Of course, once it is completed, you will have the basis 
for a more comprehensive Grab'n'Go, Shelter In Place or Auto Kit.
Plus, you can have fun playing ‘Camp Out’…

The Abraham Backpack can also be viewed as  
a container to catch God's miraculous provision,
kind of like in 2 Kings 4:1-7
when the widow was asked to produce containers
 for the oil that would be miraculously provided:   
Trusting God, in faith she gathered as many containers as she could. 

Wouldn't it be wonderful to have special,
custom-made kits to take when the going gets rough?
Made in faith,
filled by hope,
and stuffed with love.

One to keep - One to share
= :^D + :^D